Sunday, March 16, 2008

BRRR Winter is COLD!

We have been spoiled this year in Nova Scotia. Winter has been a bit of a breeze (no pun intended!). We have had spring like temperatures most of the time....but yesterday reminded us that mother nature is still in control, and it is indeed still mid March. We has a good 'ol Atlantic Canada storm. I am now sitting down to a cup of coffee before I head out to shovel the driveway!

Does anyone else find we are in a "hurry up and wait" phase? I am waiting on two big tickets items.

1. Clinical guidelines for Medtronic's CGMS, so that my insurance company will consider coverage. It is getting hard to afford the $50 a week I am averaging. I was told "fall 2007", but am yet to see....I will continue to wait.

2. Medtronic's new meter!? Does anyone know what the delay is for this new creature heading our way? This is more a curiosity!! '

Hmmm there has been a bit of a lull in the Medtronic pump world....wonder what they are working on now!?

I'm off to shovel show! Take care!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We should have a great day today.