Saturday, March 17, 2007

Winter Wonderland!

Here I thought spring was here.....but last night, on my way to work, all over the radio was warnings about the pending storm that was hitting the New England states, coming right for Nova Scotia!! Bye Bye Spring weather!

Sure enough.....I pulled out of the parking garage at work this morning and slid across the parking lot! What a beautiful sight of a world covered in ice...enough of that tho - I just wanted to get home and go to bed!! I have studded tires on my VW THANK GOD! It was like driving home on a skating rink.

Safe and sound at home now - tending to my new companion THE COMMON COLD. Grr...I hate having colds. I hate how it makes me feel, and I can feel it setting in. Sugar levels are fine at this point - but I can feel it in my chest. I can not avoid it...I am so thankful for my CGMS, especially during sick times!!

One more night shift then I will have 4 days off to rest!

I wish I could have taken pictures of the ice filled trees - very pretty, but it is raining now....bad and rain on top.....means I would certainly fall HA! Instead I am going for a nap - let the rain clean the ice away and a sleep to clean my mind after a long night at work!

1 comment:

cc said...

i just got over (knock on wood) a cold myself. i second a move to abolish the common cold. hear hear.