Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Interrupted Sleep.....and a long day at work!

I must say 12 hour shifts make for a LONG day! I do not mind being up and on the go early (5:30am wake) but by 4pm, I want to leave work for the day!!! My shifts go from 6:30am - 6:30pm, but the luxury is that I work 4 out of 8 days. 4 days on, 4 days off...... a little vacation every 4 days!! 

Today's shift seemed extra long, my sleep last night was interrupted by yet another night time low. I am truly realizing the effect of the "snacking" on my night glucoses! I never felt I had control over the night sugars....but I feel now that I am very close to what I think is the best control over my night sugars!! Excellent!

I did reduce my basal rate last night by 0.5 mmol/L. I went peacefully to sleep at 5.8mmol/L. At 3:30am I woke at 3.6. DOH, just starting to feel low. Ah well, tiny snack and back to sleep. I woke at 5:30 at 5.5mmol/L. Not bad, I feel I am really close. Tonight I am going to try another 0.5 unit/hr reduction in my night basal and see how that fairs out! 

Every mystery high morning sugar I ever had in the past can be contributed to what I ate for supper/snacks the night before. This has become very clear to me! Eye opening ... yet so simple! 

As I continue to trade body fat for more muscle (going very well!!!), my insulin requirements will continue to decrease. I feel so wonderful with a good morning sugar....well for that matter I feel wonderful with any good blood sugar.....it's a control thing :)

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