Monday, September 11, 2006

For $100 Carelink worked on my Macbook

Several weeks ago l I was told Carelink would not work on my Macbook, by Minimed technical support. eI WOULD NOT ACCEPT THIS ANSWER. There was no way such an obstacle existed, soley because I choose to use a mac computer. I did tried on my mac - to see why this web-based program would not work on a mac computer. Well...seems the carelink program needs Internet explorer 5.5 or later. Mac stopped supporting Internet Explorer at 5.2 and support only its Safari software for go.

I searched out and bought windows XP on eBay - so because I use a mac computer I had to buy this software in attempt to get this carelink program working. Well rest assure everyone - this is a fix that works if you use the intel based macbook. eBay was the cheapest option for Windows XP - and I used bootcamp to install.

I uploaded from my two meters last night, and my pump. I was overwheled initially by the number of graphs and logs available. Seemed at first to be too many - but I am sure they will all have a purpose. It will take me a few evenings to go through them all - I will have oppertunities at work Wednesday night to go through them all...we'll see how it goes!!!

So had a good workout at the gym tonight - I do not like to go to the gym in the summer - the evenings are too nice to spend indoors - but now the weather is getting cooler, which is nice....but it is dark soon after getting out of work on my day shifts - so it is gym season again. I love the CGMS at work - I can see when I start to drop ...rather then guessing how I feel!! Again tho - I had to change my tape over the sensor when I got home from the gym..sweat underneath!? I thought the IVflex I was using was "breathable", but alas it seems not....

anyways it was a long day at work and I am tired tonight...and tomorrow morning will be another early one. I will look at the graphs tomorrow night...or the next....we'll see.....Cheers to all!

1 comment:

Richie said...

if you dont want to dual boot, you may want to install parallels desktop for mac. this lets you install windows and run it inside of mac. only negitive that i see is that its another 79$, but there is a free 30 day trial, and no dual booting.
I just got my paridigm pump and continuous glucometer (havent even had the training yet, so of course im not wearing it yet) and am a mac user, i also want to use carelink so thank you for the valuable information.
if you do try parallels please tell me how it works.